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The Madness of 2020

Well, what a year! There have been many negatives for sure but, there have been some positives too. I really hope everyone has been managing during this tough time! Normally I'd post frequently throughout the year but since there isn't as much to report back or as many sessions to share, I may as well give you a little round up of the year. I can imagine a lot of you will feel the same about how the days and weeks have merged into each other. So, one day I can look back at this a remember how the year folded. It seems like a lifetime ago now but I did actually have a great start to 2020! In February I was commissioned by Hug Pet Food to photography vibrant studio headshot of cats and dogs - you can visit my last blog post to find out more!

As I was coming to the end of my current project, we entered the first national lockdown. I was extremely saddened by the fact I later had to cancel all my bluebell sessions in April/May ,however, I was then lucky enough to be contacted by another pet business to create some new images for their website. When lockdown began to ease, I was able to get started on this new and rather large project. Luckily the largest part of the job, and my first priority didn't include dogs, it was all product shots and I could comfortably and safely do this at home.

A couple months later and everything was beginning to look a lot brighter. I was able to complete the commercial work including the images with dogs too. I had summer sessions booked in at the lavender fields and a little later on I began to plan autumn sessions too.

During this time, I had also been approached by the people who put on The Photography Show about being on a panel for their virtual show this year. I was on the fence about accepting since I've never done anything like it and it's not particularly my cup of tea BUT I pushed myself and went for it because that's ultimately that's how you progress. Long story short - It didn't go that well haha. However, Lauren from Digital Photographer is an editor for the magazine and she was on the panel too. Despite the little blunder, she got in touch after and asked if I'd be interested in their new feature 'Shoot like a Pro'. Of course I jumped at this opportunity - much more up my street! I arranged a session with cute models and Lauren came down to photograph behind the scenes. So although I thought I should have gone with my gut and turned down the original opportunity, this one would never have happened!

After a series of successes, things began to deteriorate again. In November we entered lockdown No.2. Once again sessions had to be cancelled and the situation started to look bleak for Christmas. I knew this meant no more sessions until the new year. I concentrated on getting my gift vouchers out there and reassured everyone that sessions will happen again in more suitable times and finer weather. Fast forward to February 2021 and currently in lockdown No. 3. There are some exciting prospects in the future if all goes to plan but for now I'm just taking it as it comes.

I bought us some new coats!

I'm incredibly thankful for the position that I am in and I've not had worries like I know many others have had. I may not have been able to see the family this last year but I believe we've been closer more than ever and I've also had many more cuddles and moments with my pets than I would ever have normally. I hope you have plenty of positives and memories too. Stay indoors and stay safe <3

Of course I couldn't end this post without sharing my lovely clients from 2020! You can click on the images to view larger.


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