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Tortoise Tales - The Big Photo

The Photographer Academy, an online learning site for photographers, produce an ezine called The Big Photo. Before Christmas they asked me if I could write an article on Tortoise Tales With Terrence for their February issue!

The issue was released yesterday and you can read the article here ​-

Along with a couple of fellow dog photographers and some wildlife which are all great reads.

When I was asked to write an article on Tortoise Tales, I made an effort to work on an idea I've had for probably two years! I generally only have time to plan and create a Tortoise Tales a couple of times a year at the moment. Most of the work involves planning, making and gathering props and playing around with scene layouts. Sometimes I can squeeze in a simple idea but this one in particular involved quite a lot! The idea first came to light when I was given the mini shopping trolly as a present, specifically for Tortoise Tales. A year later I found tiny fruit shaped rubbers, perfect! This was as far as I'd got with the idea! Around the same time, I picked up little cakes rubbers (for a baking Terrence idea that I'd still like to create one day!). I didn't have enough fruit rubbers to spread out so I needed to add on another section, this is where the cakes came in handy. The idea of Terrence being tempted by the treats just fell into place once I was testing setups. I had to make the rest of the scene with everything I had to hand as I was working to a deadline. Is it perfect? No, but I'm happy with the image overall and the fact I finally made it happen! Do I ever want to cut 100 fruit and veg shapes out of card ever again? No to that too. I hope in the future when I've not got quite as much behind the scenes work to do all the time while I'm still building up my business, I'll have some more time to work on this project.

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