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Dog Toy Set - Commercial Shoot

My second commercial shoot I worked on in October was so much fun and I worked with some amazing and adorable models. BorkBork is a new start up, dog toy business with lots of plans for the future. The toys are aimed for small to medium sized dogs. I put out a model call for a few small breeds and I couldn't have been happier with my models. I was also very lucky with the weather when it came to doing the outdoor shoots.

I divided the toys up between the models and planned out the settings and ideas for each mini shoot. The toy set also included a very cute, grey basket. The owner of BorkBork had in mind a little pooch sat in the basket with all the toys surrounding them. Penny the Pug gladly helped me achieve this image! Marge the Dachshund almost had it but she was a little long! Instead we got some very cute photos of her choosing her next toy. The Corgis, mother and daughter, had a blast running around the garden and where such a cute pair to watch and photograph. Sweet Ruby the English Bulldog was more interested in cuddles than toys but she tried her hardest! I didn't help by giving her the attention she wanted... how could I not?!

Here are a few of my favourites!

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